the back of the t-shirt
After the race, Harlan let my dad borrow one of his sets of Industry-9 wheels. He'll get to ride Harlan's "heavy" set, which were the ones that won Teaberry, until Bear Creek. Thanks Harlan.
I fell while trying to pass Cameron in the beginning of the race, but soon caught him again. I stayed with him for about 15 miles, but couldn't close any kind of a gap. Cameron has been training specifically for this event, getting in lots of 30 mile rides. I have not, and my endurance is way way down since the injury. No biggy though. 2nd place. I came through the 12 mile loop a little over 1:10, which was a pretty solid time. The back 13 took me 2:40, and I was still passing people. If you can remember the 3 Stooges trail from last year (the technical, steep downhill), you'd remember that it was wet on a dry day. This year was crazy. Roots criss crossed the trail as well as huge slippery boulders. Possibly the most technical trail+conditions I've ever raced on. Not to bad, I actually thought it was more fun like this, but it was a little to technical for most. The 3 others that I was with were walking down it. I rode that last 8-9 miles without water, and a stupid mistake. At the aid station with 6 more to go, I drank some water, but completely ignored the nice, orange, water cooler. I was suffering from dehydration, feeling dizzy and sick at the end, AND COULDN'T EVEN BOTHER TO DRINK THE ICY COLD WATER.
Next race is the Bear Creek Super-D and XC race. Should be a fun close to the season of racing
Sounds sick sry I missed it!! Cameron seems strong:( Congrats!!
Thanks. He wasn't that bad for the first 15 but he just kept going that speed the whole race. He climbs really fast.
Hope you learned your lesson well enough. Being able to make good decisions in that state is something that will keep you out of some really bad situations. I've been in the middle of no where trying to break into cabins to get water before. Not the best decision by any means. Keep up the comeback young man. Try your hand at some cyclocross since you have some penned up gumption.
I'd like to try cyclocross but all the races I know about are 2:30-3 hours away. I don't know if it's worth it for a 20 minute event that I'd be doing on an old road bike. Maybe I'll give it a try though
yea you should there is a cross race on Saturday before the super dee if you wana do that! They are really fun
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