Saturday, August 23, 2008

Now for Some Rocks...

A few days ago, we decided that I was probably ready to ride some rocks. I had been doing the 3 Bridges trail (walking the minefield cause everyone thought it was best) the direction that the 101 did it for the past week, and my shoulder wasn't hurting. On Thursday, although my mom didn't agree with our decision, I rode down one of the steeper downhills in the forest. It's washed out with some steep pitches. It ended up being pretty easy and I rode down it and up over a few big logs without noticing any problems. Next day we went out for a spin, and did a fairly rocky trail. Much like the rocks at French Creek's rockyest part. No problem. Then today I did 20 minutes of all-out effort, followed by a nice, long, cool-down. On the way back home we rode another trail that was kinda rocky, but a different kind of rocks. More big, rock garden type rocks than Friday. Lifted over some big logs without any difficulty. My forearms ached after a downhill section, but nothing in the shoulder and the strength will come back soon. Still no problem with the shoes so the new soles should work out good for me.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

2 Mysteries Solved

Yesterday we figured out 2 riding problems. The one with my dad's bike and the other having to do with my shoes. At Iron Hill, my dad's crank wouldn't turn with 2 miles left in the race. We thought they were bearings in the BB30 that went bad. When we took it into the bike shop, the real problem was quickly found. One of the small chainring bolts had backed out of the small chainring, and was scraping against the bottom bracket shell. Lucky for us, they aren't all carbon, but are coated in aluminum. The damage wasn't bad. For some time now, my feet have been bothering me. I came to the conclusion that it was just my feet swelling up inside the shoe. I decided that I probably needed a wider shoe. I went to the bike shop yesterday to look at Shimano shoes, because they are wider than any other major shoe brand. The manager had the idea of putting the in-soles from my Louis Garnaeu road shoes into my Specialized mountain shoes. I did not have the problem in the road shoes, and he thought it may be the "ergonomic" shape of the Specialized in-soles. The middle of the sole is raised for the meditarsal button. It helps produce more power for some people, but it was just making me angry. Rode the LG shoe on the road, then switched in-soles and went for a mountain ride. Nothing. I'm pretty sure that problem is solved.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Physical Therapy

Today started my physical therapy. It went pretty good, and it should really help my tendons and muscles heal. During one of the excersizes, I pinched a nerve and passed out, but that's kinda normal because of the different position of my collar bone. I found out that I have a grade 1 seperation of my AC joint, but only half the bone is displaced, so it's not too bad. I'm still supposed to take it easy for a while, so no racing Laurel Classic for me. Instead, I've decided to ride behind my mom on the beginner course and give her tips and help her and stuff like that. Yesterday's ride went much better than I expected. We left from the house and rode near the 3 Bridges part of the W101. I thought we were just going to stay on fire roads, but when we got up there my dad thought it was okay for me to ride an easy trail. Went up it, then back down it. It's not too rocky but has a few washed out sections. Those weren't a problem and my shoulder didn't hurt at all. Tonight I'm going for a ride with my mom on some fire roads. Spinning.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Today I got my shoulder x-rayed and it turned out pretty good. I'm mostly healed, and the only things I have to deal with are a swelled AC joint and my muscles being very weak. I start physical therapy tomorrow morning, so it should be good. The doctor said to take I should be good to ride, but I should really take it easy for 4-6 weeks. That brought up a whole new option for what I should be doing this fall. I'm undecided about whether to ride the Laurel Classic with my mom, on the 10 mile course, or race it with Gunnar or whoever else shows up. It's 3 1/2 weeks away, so I should still be taking it kinda easy. And if I do injure my shoulder again, I'm taking the ski season off and not skiing this winter. My Rush is back from the shop, as it had been there for 4 weeks with a broken fork. I popped the saddle rail through the back of the saddle in the crash, so it had a new saddle put on. I may or may not go for a ride tonight, but if I do, it'll be on fire roads with my fork unlocked. I can't wait to at least get on a bike, that I really don't care about what I ride.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Almost There

Next Tuesday (not this one but next one) I am going back to the doctors to x-ray my shoulder again. Hopefully I'll have the green light to ride a few days afterward. After a much needed break and some structured workouts, my legs feel strong again. I don't know how they are compared to everyone else's, but they feel like they did around the time of Greenbrier and French Creek. I can finally raise my arm passed 90 degrees without any pain, and all of the cuts that the pavement gave me have healed. I still have a decent sized tear in Zach's Camp Jersey though, but I'm glad I wore it because it had a full zip. Much easier to get off than the base layer I was wearing.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Michaux Maximus 2006

an old photo of the damaging conditions that day