Last weekend was the visitPA.com International Intergalactic Global Open Mountain Bike Team Relay Championship of the Universe Including the Anti-Matter One. (There, That Should About Cover It). Formerly the US Open Relay or Marysville Relay. It's a really fun event with handycap points so that you never know who will win. The point is to get as many laps as you can within 4 hours, and when those are added to the handycap points, the team with the most points wins. I was stuck with going first, so I had to do a long run and then hop on my bike for the lap. I never run, so you can imagine how that went. I was about middle of the pack during the run, but I was suffering to keep up. Half way through the lap the pain from the run started to go away, and I finally finished the lap. It felt like the longest one that I would do that day. Second lap went great - I was 30 seconds faster than my first. 3rd was also good, since I kept myself consistant and had almost the same time as my first lap. Going into the 4th(last) lap, I knew that to get a 3rd person on their 4th lap, we needed to keep the times consistant. So I rode hard and came out with a time that was within seconds of my 1st and 3rd lap. My dad finished his lap with 20 seconds left in the race, and we barely got 15 laps. Added in the points and that got us 2nd place for the day.

Finishing just in time (above)

Yeah...my heart was racing when I saw 1 minute to go...